The assembly stage is one of the most critical stages in the manufacturing stage. First step is to check the run-out of every wheel to guarantee the wheels are balanced to eliminate vibrations and wobbling. We chose to use Digital Snap-On® Torque Wrenches vs generic torque wrenches. One of the advantages is that it can more precisely control the amount of torque that’s applied to a bolt without losing any torque capacity.

No wheel will pass our quality control unless it falls below 0.010″ (10 thousandths of an inch). While industry standard complies within 0.030″ (30 thousandths of an inch), we are consistently testing run outs within 0.007″ (7 thousandths of an inch) to ensure no wheel vibrates at high speeds.

Every year or 5,000 cycles we will calibrate our wrenches to ensure accuracy and safety. After each bolt and nut is torqued we mark them and have our expert assemblers sign off the wheels for packaging.